Thursday, July 23, 2009

letter to the editor

dear md:
have you heard from whats his name? why don't you email him lettng him know the error of his ways... kindly but firmly. it may help you feel better AND let him in on a little secret. ... that hes one big ole stoop thoughtless asshole.

from manlessdogless:
thought about it. then i realized that it wouldn't do any good. and i would seem foolish. plus, i don't have his email so i'd have to facebook email him, and that's lame.

dear md:
do it. fuck him. fb message that mother fucker.
it doesn't matter if it does any good.
give him an ear full.
someone has to let him have it so he MAY potentially understand one day.
don't make it personal to you per se... just highlight his issues as a person...
and how he relates to others and how he just can't do what he did...
or at the very least that it just isn't right.

is he a stoner? it sounds like it.

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