Wednesday, July 1, 2009

for reals???

i would really, REALLY like to know (for the two people who have responded to the new poll and the others who may respond with a yes) what you say to a friend when you suspect, again SUSPECT, that the person they are IN LOVE WITH is gay. i need to know. how do you even bring that up? comments, s'il vous plait.

also, the pictures of al sharpton grinding at MJ's memorial are di-stur-bing. you have to see it to believe it.


Chaia Milstein said...

Okay #1, those pictures...I shouldn't have looked, but I did. Thanks for that.

#2, I was one of the yea-sayers below. I suggest something along the lines of "So listen, as your friend of many years who loves you tons and wants nothing more than to see you live out your golden years with the man of your dreams, I have something to ask you. This is something I would want you to say to me were the situation reversed. About your fiance - there is no easy way to say this, but he trips my gaydar hard. What's the deal?" And then see where it goes.

(I would actually never really be able to give this speech because I am gaydar impaired. But I feel it is a decent start.)

Chaia Milstein said...

p.s. I hope you're asking for purely theoretical reasons.

manlessdogless in LA said...

miss milstein, thank you for that. and yes, purely theoretical. the idea of being in that situation freaks me out. i have no idea what i would do. what if i'm wrong? what if she gets pissed off? i like your hypothetical response though.

Chaia Milstein said...


As far as if you're wrong or if she gets pissed's hurt feelings + embarrassment now vs. hurt feelings + embarrassment + a sense of wasted time later. Hopefully the friendship can weather your honesty, and if not, then odds are the friendship wouldn't have withstood other honesties, either.

I've had to give and receive a few "s/he's just not that into you" conversations lately, and as horrible as those chats are at the time, they've confirmed that my friends and I really do have each others' best interests at heart. Life is too short to waste it trying to have romance with someone who is incompatible/disinterested/won't commit/wears Crocs in bed/etc.

Are you planning on compiling and analyzing your poll results? That would be excellent.

Anonymous said...

#1 joe jackson and al sharpton should do a sitcom together. it'd be hilarious.

#2 why does this situation require a speech. sounds like a contradiction that would work itself out over time, no?

manlessdogless in LA said...

work itself out over time? as in eventually she will figure out that her spouse prefers men?

Reenybug said...

She'd eventually figure out her spouse was gay -- when she got some sort of STI. I asked my ex if he was gay: "Baby, are you sure you're not gay?" It went over quite smoothly.

Torrey Hullum said...

In the words of my grandmother (in reference to one-time semi presidential candidate John Edwards) I would ask with a straight face: "Dont you think your man has gives off a tad of a f*ggoty tendency?"

I, of course, would not be so derogatory, I would substitute 'gay' for any word that might get a torch-burning mob after me...