Wednesday, March 11, 2009

hate is such a strong word

there are a few things i hate. i hate morning meetings that require me to wake up an hour early and come to work to listen to some shit for 60 minutes that i could have read in an email and/or power point slide show in 6 minutes. i hate that i don't have kids because when you do, you get special not having to attend morning meetings. "little johnny wouldn't put his sweater on this morning, so you couldn't make it?" excuse me if i call "bullshit!" just be truthful. you wanted to eat freakin' cheerios and watch veggie tales with your damn kids. fine. whatever. me and my unfertilized eggs would have liked an extra hour of sleep and a blueberry muffin. how come we don't get the same respect? i hate that i sit in front of a computer all day, and the stress of boredom is accumulating in my right shoulder, which is causing my right shoulder to be higher than my left, which equates to me turning into a hunchback. i hate that i work in an office full of dog lovers. i mean, i have nothing against dogs. i'm not going to hold the fact that i have been chased by german shepards and hungry rottweilers against the whole population (that would be rather racist). but seriously, i don't really want to hear "cute stories" about how your dog threw up again or about how she pissed on the rug or how the groomer irritated the dog's genitals with the shears. and no i do not want you all to initiate a "bring your dog to work day" and have them all running around sniffing and licking. i do NOT want the first lick i receive this year to be at the hands of a border collie. i also hate feeling like a bitch. for example, yesterday a group of people were huddled in my office, and one woman was talking about her dog who's on its last leg, and everyone started getting emotional and talking about THEIR dogs, and all i could think was, "should i stop playing this computer game? is that rude? but i'm at a really important part, and i might win this level, and...damn it, i will probably cry more if i actually lose this game than i will at this dog story. man, i'm such a bitch." i did win that level by the way (with an expert score). i hate that dates (men not the fruit) make me nauseous. and i don't mean nervous, "i have butterflies" nauseous. i mean "i ate bad egg salad" nauseous. i wonder if it's my immune system trying to fight off the destructive, man bacteria. i guess my body has learned to recognize the initial signs of the invader and simply goes into attack mode. the symptoms are all there. as i'm getting dressed, i feel light headed, flushed, and i really just want to take my clothes off and get in the bed. to make matters worse, the guy usually picks me up, and he's usually a bad driver, and i usually get car sick. i hate that none of the men i meet are tim riggins. i hate when i turn up pandora on my computer, and instead of people realizing that i'm doing it because i don't want to hear them, they just talk louder. i hate that i now have to end my blog because i have another goddamn meeting to go to, to talk about future events that i hope to not be here for! agh.
i am so spiteful today in L.A.

1 comment:

synicalme said...

I think you need a seem so angry!